This is our solar oven made from a couple reused cardboard boxes, some recycled aluminum foil, black construction paper and collected newspaper.
One box with the flaps cut off and stuck under it inside a slightly larger box with crumpled up newspaper filling in the gaps underneath and along all the sides, black paper lining the bottom and tops of the gaps between the boxes, and foil lining all the inside sides. A peice of glass or some plastic should be used to cover the top to get the highest temperatures but I have not tried that yet. So far all I have been able to do with what I have is quickly evaporate water which gets pretty hot to the touch but not to the point of the water beginning to boil. I will keep you posted on the developments of that one...
So it flash summer rained a couple nights ago and the oven was left out in it. Maybe it was a sign to try again on it anyway. (Pictures pending the getting of batteries for my camera)